Syd hiding at the playground during the hide and go seek run to base game.
Daddy and Halle hiding.... Laughed so hard my belly hurt!!!
Halle and Syd playing in the camper... NO they did not sleep up here... afraid they would fall off!
Pa came for a visit one afternoon... It was cold Thursday. Pa had to leave because the girls were making him nervous around the fire! ;)
Syd playing at the playground.
Carlee and Kalee hiding during the game! ;) Love them!!
Saturday was a big fishing tourney on the lake.... Halle helped carry the fish back to the water after they were weighed.... Syd not interested in touching any fish!!!!
Jeffrey took the girls fishing one day.... not one fish made it in the boat! :) Halle has informed me she is too big (mature) for this life jacket this year! She said , " Just look at me... I look ridiculous!" My baby is growing up!! ;(
Syd fishing... too cute!
Sitting around the fire eating lunch... Syd dropped her plate in about 1.5 seconds after me giving it to her... Yes she cried until I got her a new one! ;)
Kalee playing at the playground... Not afraid of one thing!!
Carlee playing in the tunnel... Not afraid either!!
As you can tell we had a great time during Spring Break. The girls love to camp and we are looking forward to many more trips this summer! I had a hard time keeping them out of the water this go around... they think camping equals swimming! ;)
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