Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Basketball Camp 2010

Halle and her team won the 3 on 3 at basketball camp. Delaney and Kesha , 2 4th graders, were on her team. They tied with another team for number of wins and loses for the week so they shot free throws to determine the winners. Halle was very proud of her trophy.
She did well in the other catergories too... She made 6 of 10 free throws 2 different days.
This was a very hectic week because Nana and Papaw were out of town so we were very thankful for everyone that helped us out.... Pa helped us out a couple of days taking Halle to camp and then letting her stay at work with him afterwards... She earned $5, Papa Rick and Mamaw for watching Syd, Carlee and Kalee.... They even did my laundry! :)
Blessed to have so many willing to help us out!!

Carlee and Kalee watching the boys and girls at camp.... They were so good! I'm getting brave taking them places by myself!!! No pic of Syd because she had spent the night with Gran and Papa Rick...
Halle wouldn't let me take pics at camp because obviously that was not the cool thing to do at the moment... I did get some cute video that I'm sure she will just LOVE one day!!

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