Monday, January 25, 2010

Welcome To Our Night Time

Carlee likes to sleep with her head at the foot of the bed.....
Sydney and Kalee like to take up most of the room ..... That spot on the other side of Syd is where I was sleeping!! Jeffrey is the one getting kicked!! LOL

And Miss Priss has finally figured out that this is the place to be..... in her own bed with lots of room!! And don't you just love the night mask?!!? LOL
Now they all start out in their own bed but with the exception of Halle this is where they end up...

1 comment:

Casey said...

This looks like our house, minus 2 kids. Hey, Halle gives me hope that maybe someday Asher will make the move to his bed! Ha! Hey, we can't blame all of our back/neck problems on hygiene....some of it probably comes from sleeping on the edge of the bed, in one position, all night long! :)